Plays Domenico Scarlatti
CAM5034 2009-05-05

Track List
K531 / Impro K531 - 6:09
Impro K159 / K159 - 2:40
K18 - 3:41
Impro K208 / K208 - 5:39
K377 / Impro K377 - 5:28
K492 / Impro K492 - 6:03
K9 / Impro K9 - 5:39
K51 - 3:21
K260 - 4:04
Impro K545 / K545 - 3:57
Impro K3 - 1:38
K3 - 2:13
K239 - 3:00
K69 / Impro K69 - 6:38
Enrico Pieranunzi - piano
After many recordings in duo or trio, the Roman pianist faces a unique undertaking, never done before: composing/improvising the sonatas of the famous classical composer, Domenico Scarlatti. In "Enrico Pieranunzi Plays Domenico Scarlatti" one is witness to the marvellous fusion of two worlds, between the creative and interpretative sensibility of one of the best jazz pianists that Europe has given birth to and the brilliance of one of the most original composers/improvisers of the Baroque harpsichord. In his approach to Scarlatti's music, Pieranunzi has carefully avoided what would immediately seem logical to the listener; that is, to revisit in the jazz key the music of this Neapolitan composer. When asked what does Scarlatti's music have in common with jazz, Pieranunzi replies: "It's moody, prismatic, full of movement, tracing a kind of life flow, like jazz improvisation, and it is a well-known fact that Scarlatti was an extraordinary improviser. And his language too, although written down on paper, shares with jazz a kind of imposing, pagan physicality. This clearly comes out in his many ingenious thematic motifs, which are rhythmic patterns, melodic nuclei, and at times simple intervals not theoretically worked out but that his hands created directly on the keyboard and then later fleshed out and embellished."