SSC1031 2002-05-12

Track List
Andorinha - 5:54
Seasons' Change - 5:16
Resurrection - 5:54
Broken Carousel - 8:30
Dungeons And Gragons - 4:14
Secrets - 7:11
Astral Dancer - 6:15
New Blues - 6:51
Parting - 9:59
Armen Donelian - piano
Dick Oatts - tenor sax, soprano sax
Barry Danielian - trompet flugelhorn
Anthony Cox - bass
Bill Stewart - drums
Arto Tuncboyaci - percussions
"Pianist composer Donelian is now fulfilling the promise that critics have been attributing to him for the last several years. He and his band can go inside and out effortlessly synthesizing the numerous strands of the jazz tradition that the best young musicians now seem to be learning so well." (Krin Gabbard Cadence)