Mauvaises Nouvelles Des Etoiles
SSC3602 2004-08-31

Track List
Overseas Telegram - 3:40
Ecce Homo - 3:25
Mickey Maousse - 2:46
Juif Et Dieu - 3:48
Shush Shush Charlotte - 3:11
Toi Mourir - 2:17
La Nostalgie Camarade - 3:55
Bana Basadi Balalo - 3:06
Evguenie Sokolov - 2:38
Negusa Nagast - 2:12
Strike - 2:56
Bad News From The Stars - 3:05
Ecce Homo Et Caetera - 3:04
Overseas Dub - 3:07
Dub Homo - 2:49
Dub Maousse - 3:04
Juif Et Dub - 4:24
Dub Charlotte - 3:55
Toi Dub - 4:39
Nostalgie Dub - 5:13
Bana Basadi Dub - 4:05
Srike Dub - 4:14
Dub From The Stars - 2:45
Javanaise Remake - 3:07
Overseas Telegram - 3:25
Ecce Homo /Love - 3:25
Mickey Maousse / Minnie Pussy - 3:27
Juif Et Dieu / Jews - 3:52
Shush Shush Charlotte / Don'T Cry - 2:57
Toi Mourir / Rub A Dub International -3:29
La Nostalgie Camarade / Man A Beg Fe Life - 3:04
Bana Basadi Balalo / Rock Me My Baby -3:22
Evguenie Sokolov / Show Love - 3:15
Negusa Nagast / One Thousand Drums Or More - 4:34
Strike - 4:36
Lisa Mitchell - voices
Robbie Shakespeare - bass
Uziah "Sticky" Thompson - percussion
Herman Davis - tamboura
Marcia Griffith - harmony vocals
Michael "Mao" Chung - guitar, piano
Anthony Waldron - voices
Pauline "Wingy" Burrell - voices
Darnette "Mumma Leck" Cummings - voices
Rupert Reeves - voices
Ralmond "Intaleck" Hall - voices
Damian "D. Thunder" Henry - voices
Clarence Mitchell - voices
Ansel Collins - organ, piano
Owen Brown - voices
Radcliffe Bryan - guitar
Sly Dunbar - drums
Marcia Griffiths - voice
Michael Kelly - voices
Rita Marley - harmony vocals
Judy Mowatt - harmony vocals
David Grant - voices
This is the second of two double CD's released in France by Mercury documenting Serge Gainsbourg Reggae recordings. Serge Gainsbourg travelled to Kingston, Jamaica at the end of the 70's and recorded these explosive reggae songs. As ever, you do find when you're not looking: thus, on a hidden corner of a 24-track analog tape,Bruno Blum, the producer, was rewarded beyond his dreams as he went to Jamaica with the master tapes of “Aux Armes Et Cætera” and “Mauvaises Nouvelles des Étoiles” with his plan to produce the remixes, dubs and versions you are discovering now. The previously unheard “Ecce Homo” verses are well worth all the snatches of unfinished songs