Snuck Out
SSC1261 2011-06-21

Track List
Revillot - 11:52
Gravity Point - 13:48
Paraphernalia - 21:11
Hidden Meanings - 7:09
Snuck In - 8:35
David Weiss - trumpet
JD Allen - tenor saxophone
Nir Felder - guitar
Matt Clohesy - bass- acoustic
Jamire Williams - drums
Snuck Out (and our previous “CD Snuck In”) were for the most part recorded live at the Jazz Standard on March 25, 2008. “Snuck In” was comprised of the first set and this CD, “Snuck Out” is the second set.
Point of Departure for the most part, performs continuous sets with each tune morphing into the next so each set is more of a complete statement than a collection of individual tunes. This is how we wanted to present this music on these two CDs, live, just as it naturally unfolded in the club that night. However, like with many live recordings, there were a couple of glitches.
We experienced some technical difficulties on “Erato” from the first set that made the track unusable and the second version of “Snuck In”, which was to conclude this CD and was the last tune of the night, was just not up to the standards we felt we set on the rest of the recording and therefore deemed unusable as well. We rerecorded these two tunes when we made our studio album and inserted the new tracks exactly where they fell in the midst of our live sets so the flow of the set would not interrupted."
Very nice review by Nate Chinen for the NYTimes!Nate Chinen, The New York Times - July 2011 read the full article
Nice review by Carlo Wolff from JazzTimes.
Carlo Wolff, JazzTimes - October 2011 read the full article
Nice review in Jazz Magazine (France), Jan. 2012!
Pierre De Chocqueuse, Jazz Magazine - January 2012 read the full article