Night and the Music
SSC4995 2024-02-09

Track List
You And The Night And The Music - 6:26
It's Over Now (Well You Needn't - 4:55
Goodbye - 5:29
You Belong To Her (Stolen Moments) - 5:42
A Crazy Song To Sing (Misterioso) - 6:52
Turn Out The Stars - 7:23
Wondering - 3:19
My Favorite Things - 6:54
What Is This Thing Called Love/Subconcious-Lee - 3:59
Her Tomato Kiss - 5:50
La Chanson Des Vieux Amants - 6:27
Judy Niemack - vocals
Kenny Werner - piano
Ray Drummond - bass
Billy Hart - drums
Jean-Francois Prins - guitar
Eric Friedlander - cello
An album of standards, and originals with an All-Star rhythm section.
“Hip, interesting and unique arrangements...Judy is a total pro; a breath of fresh air in a world full of stylized singer wanna-be’s...”
Steve Getz, Blue Note
“From inventive scatting and marvelous interpretive abilities to an abundance of soulfulness, “Night and the Music” confirms the fact that Niemack is one of the most exciting jazz singers going...”
L.A Jazz Scene
"Ordinarily, I’d hate to go so far as to say an album is worth getting based on one song alone. However, Judy Niemack’s rendering of Jacques Brel’s “La Chanson Des Vieux Amants” is just that... Niemack performs like the songbird she is throughout. Her voice evokes a blend of innocence and worldliness...”
Jazztimes, Deni Krasel