SSC4014 2013-05-07

Track List
Settling of a Racing Mind - 4:08
Surface Reflections - 1:53
Looking Deeper - 4:58
Working Through (Clarity) - 3:32
Finding Strength - 2:37
Better Place - 11:31
Opened Window (Hopeful Horizon) - 3:44
Tempering - 1:54
Resilient Joy - 10:50
Resolution (Perfect Place) - 3:56
Laszlo Gardony - piano
One morning in October I was at my Berklee studio all by myself. I felt a burst of inspiration so I set up some
mics, turned on a recorder and started playing. I kept playing for 49 minutes. When I finished, I was happy with the places I was able to take the music. Each short piece built on and evolved from the previous one.
But at that moment I put away the recording without listening to it. I wondered, after waiting a few months, would the music still speak to me?
It did and it was then that I realized I was listening to my next album.
I hope that throughthe music you 'll find joy,solace and inspiration.
Laszlo Gardony