If You Love Me
CAM5022 2007-08-28

Track List
Triunfal - 3:50
L’hymne à l’amour (If You Love Me) - 7:29
Sinfonia 11 In G-Moll, BWV 797 - 4:28
Soledad - 6:58
Para Jobim - 5:14
Operation Tango - 8:27
Romance del Diablo - 5:49
Waltz for Debby - 5:54
Il Postino - 4:47
Richard Galliano - accordion
Gary Burton - vibraphone
Georges Mraz - acoustic bass
Clarence Pern - drums
This album by accordionist Richard Galliano is entitled “If You Love Me”(“L’hymne à l’amour”) and it marks the beginning of a significant collaboration with Gary Burton, an outstanding vibes player who, like Galliano, is amusician of extraordinary poetic feeling. The rhythm is made up of the vastly experienced bass player George Mraz and drummer Clarence Penn,one of the best drummers of his generation.In “If You Love Me” (“L’hymne à l’amour”) there are five tracks by themagnificent Argentine composer and bandoneon player Astor Piazzolla:Milonga Is Coming, Triunfal, Soledad, Operation Tangoand Romance delDiablo. Besides the splendid melody that gives the CD its title, written byEdith Piaf and Marguerite Monnot, there are Waltz For Debbyby Bill Evans,the beautiful theme from the film Il Postino by Louis Bacalov and ParaJobim by Galliano. To complete this fine picture is a piece by Bach, takenfrom his Symphony No. 11 in D Minor.Richard Galliano affirms “This album evokes, I believe, an intense emo-tion and profound feeling of Peace and Love, a chiaroscuro like aRembrandt painting or a poem by Lamartine. The vibraphone’s bladesvibrate with the keys of my accordion and will, I hope, make your soulvibrate to this hymne à l’amour that raises itself, more than ever, against violence, terrorism and war.” Words to which there is no need to add more.
This project sounds natural for vibist Gary Burton.John Ephland, DOWNBEAT - December 2007 read the full article