SSC3516 2007-03-13

Track List
Thursday - 3:36
Aftermath - 1:06
Three Personalities : Votichenko, Cadillac Joe, Amelia - 2:20
East Wind - 2:14
How \'Bout That - 2:53
Jim Crow - 3:09
Arline - 3:24
Blues For Wheatleigh - 3:15
Silver Fox - 3:46
Jinxey\'s - 2:38
How \'Bout That - Take 3 - 2:14
Field Cry - 1:49
Wende - 3:51
Ran Blake - piano
Ran makes music for all parts of a man: for the “guts”, like they used to say, and for the head, which is for thinking with, and for taking a beating from a billy-club. It’s because Ran Blake also, and specially, makes music for the head, that every word counts, every word he puts to his music. He hits [the piano] like a wildman.
Wende is the perfect encapsulation of the pianist's sensibilities...conspire to create a nightscape of intrigue and magic.David Greenberger, SIGNAL TO NOISE - June 2007
read the full article
A prime example of the undersung pianist's poetic sensibility.
Kevin Whitehead, DOWNBEAT - August 2007
read the full article