CAM5019 2006-08-29

Track List
Invocation - 0:54
The Messenger - 7:16
Abiding Unicity - 5:58
Gevriasolas - 7:25
The Midst of Chaos - 6:34
Prelude n.9 - 4:11
Pathless Path - 5:30
Evolution - 6:40
Eastern - 5:09
Abiding Unicity (Reprise) - 3:01
Edward Simon - piano
John Patituci - bass, electric bass
Brian Blade - drums
On Unicity, Simon attains the apotheosis of his march to concision. He works hand-in-glove with the sublime bass-drum tandem of John Patitucci and Brian Blade, their simpatico burnished by five years of bandstand interaction with Wayne Shorter. Like Simon, each is simultaneously a sound painter and a groove master.