SSC4001 2006-04-25

Track List
Sorcerer's Dance - 5:07
Solo No. 2 - 1:49
Dialogue - 6:38
Remind Me - 8:31
Aftermath - 11:56
Solo No. 1 - 2:27
Amissirac - 6:57
Funny Bones Jones - 4:41
Heart of Winter - 6:55
Marc Mommaas - tenor saxophone
Nikolaj Hess - piano
Ten years ago I started thinking about recording as a leader, and the first format that came to my mind and heart was a duo recording. Now, 10 years and two releases later I felt the time was right. There are always projects in my head that I would like to do, but you can’t force it, you know when the moment is there. The compositions I wrote for this project are mostly based on mixed meter and poly-harmonic principles. The duo format lends itself very well to dense harmony since there is a lot of space to let the colors develop and resonate. To also combine this with mixed meter is less common within this format since you have no bass or drums. My long time collaborator Nikolaj Hess made the project complete. We share a very strong connection both from an intellectual and intuitive point of perspective. And he is a great friend, which also comes through in the music.