Introducing The Trio
SSC1038 1989-01-01

Track List
Raiders Of The Lost Art - 6:28
Herbie Nichols - 8:38
Free Piece - 5:51
Nardis - 10:11
Requiem - 7:04
Time Remembered - 12:34
I Hear A Phapsody - 8:33
Bulgaria Free Jazz - 5:10
A Blues - 4:10
Kenny Werner - piano
Ratzo Harris - bass
Tom Rainey - drums
You'll be amply rewarded for a few additional watts (volume level) and proper attention. Werner, Harris, and Rainey have melded into an unusually cohesive piano, bass, drums threesome. They are as tight and together as Oscar Peterson's trio with Ray Brown and Ed Thigpen, Ahmad Jamal's with Israel Crosby and Vernel Fournier, or Bill Evan's with Scott LaFaro and Paul Motian.Tom Krehbiel, CD Review